Your ultimate soda solution

Get young adults in the GTA who’ve never tried Poppi to think of Poppi as the simplest route to health by telling them it’s real beneficial.
The Challenge
It is found in the health aisle, whereas our target is regular people looking for a convenient way to health. 

[Consumer Problem] Canadians aren't fully aware of the product/benefits as it gets drowned by similar-looking products.
The Solution
[The insight] People know they should care for their gut and could do better, but won't go out of their way to do so.

 Make Poppi appear as an attainable, convenient way to a healthier lifestyle.

wild posting

Idea: Lead consumers to nearby stores selling poppi

taking poppi out of the organic aisle and Moving it to the pop section

The Team: dillon stephenson (Copywriter), kAREENA PINTO (STRATEGIST), jordy taillefer (sTRATEGIST), rabee ashfaq (ART DIRECTOR)

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