From concepts to creation, all great ideas begin in a Moleskine

Get creative individuals to see Moleskine as a luxury brand that welcomes the beauty in the process of creation by telling the artists they have the perfect tool to create your next masterpiece.
The Challenge
Many people aren’t using their Moleskine notebooks for the intended purpose—sketching and brainstorming. Instead, they are overly cautious about what they write, fearing ‘wastage' or making the sketchbook 'ugly'.

[Consumer Problem]   Moleskine is known to be the 'Birkin' of artist sketchbooks, artists only want their perfect end pieces in it but disregard the beauty of the journey that led to those pieces. 
The Solution
[The insight] Every artist begins with scribbles, messy notes, and crumpled-up paper.​​​​​​​

We aim to celebrate the fact that all great art starts from scribbles and imperfect notes. This will be illustrated by showing the real  'mistakes' which are the crumpled-up paper balls discarded everywhere.​​​​​​​
The Team: kareena Pinto (strategist, copywriter & Art Director)

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